Today is a big fan for us Steelers. We fired a guy in the organization who shouldnt have been there in the first place. His plays were elementary, his game plan was mild, and his ability to adapt during the game was abysmal.

I do want to stop for a second and question the timing of this-

I know a lot of this sub loves Kenny Picket. Quite frankly, I think he has a great demeanor and is easy to root for. HOWEVER, I didn’t think he would be the answer during draft and I continued to lose more faith in him as the season(s) goes on. I can spend time discussing how his college flashes won’t translate at a professional level- but that’s off topic.

Why fire Canada now? Sideline Canada showed improvements; was that his last chance? How can anyone see KP’s performance and find someone else to blame it on in this week? Why fire Canada this week? Did someone need blamed? Was Canada a sacrificial lamb?

Listen, I know talking bad about Kenny on here doesn’t gain much traction, and that’s fine. I predicted he’d be average. Turns out I may even be wrong about that. Look through the Canada lens with me a second. Why now? What is the best change you can see done mid season?

  • Stellers90B
    10 months ago

    Why you ask? Because the Steelers have 7 more games to play and are losing their locker room over this guy. The defense and offensive players are pissed about the situation. I’m sure they would rather finish out the year with Kenny rather than Canada. The Steelers cannot watch that last drive of play calling and not cut him.

    I said it before….you have the ball under two minutes with successful runners and need to run down the clock and get into field goal range…instead Canada calls three pass plays all to Dionte and not to George. Kenny needs to make stuff happen too don’t get me wrong, but to see the browns get on the field and do exactly what the Steelers couldn’t with a backup QB is all you should Need to see to know this was justified and long overdue

  • Ok-Aardvark-5807B
    10 months ago

    I was at GB game. This is when I first really noticed, and maybe this has come up elsewhere. Kenny does not throw into the middle of the field. He’s always chucking the ball to the sideline routes - and not often very accurately, if he’s throwing at all. (Ironically, GB’s Love seemed to only throw in the middle - and for whatever reason, the D wasn’t picking it up well.) Kenny continued this practice against CLE. My question is, is this a deliberate scheme by the OC, or whomever, or is it because of Kenny’s lack of confidence? Having said that, I’m not super down with Kenny. I feel like his underwhelming performance has been greatly affected by play calling. Hopefully, under new guidance, he is able to play more to his strengths. I’d love to be right and see him go off this weekend.