I’m just not having fun anymore. I spend all my day Sunday watching and agonizing over every game and constantly refreshing the app. I spend hours researching the best players and matchups just for Etienne to get benched for D’Ernest Johnson. It’s the randomness that kills me. I feel drained and I hate football now. How do you prevent this stuff from consuming you, especially after multiple losses in a row? It makes me question my intelligence and self-worth…

I’m thinking of taking a break from league. But if I leave they probably won’t let me back in… they’ve done something like that before to another player.

I just want to like football again.

Mods delete and laugh at me I f you want, but I’d be shocked if others didn’t feel this way and need some advice on it.

  • MyDruggyB
    10 months ago

    Alright, I feel like I have a different outlook than some of the other comments, but it helped me alleviate some of the same feelings you are talking about.

    It’s counter intuitive, but… more leagues.

    I’m not sure if that is a realistic option for you, but maybe you could even join a public league if you don’t have other options.

    Here’s my reasoning: If you play in 1/2 leagues, all your eggs are in one basket. If you get super unlucky with injuries, benchings, missed waiver opportunity’s, etc, you are just completely F’d. Even if you make good decisions, there is always a chance that you’ll be f’d by the fantasy football gods regardless.

    The same might be true if you have more leagues, but you are far less likely to have everything go wrong. And even if it does, usually you at least have 1 team that’s pretty good. That way, you can start focusing your mental bandwidth in that squad the end of the year. One of my leagues I’m 2-9, and in another I’m 11-0, it’s just how it goes. I just like to have more dart throws.

    I would say maybe try out 3-4. I personally play in 5 and I love it. For instance, every week the dude who just crushed me for 40 points is on my team in a different league, or vise versa. It gave me the freedom to not give a shit about the little things and just focus back on what I love, fantasy and football.