Charged it at 7:55pm. Went to sleep with the watch woke up around 80%. It’s 2pm and it’s at 22%. I haven’t used the watch other than wear it to keep time. Its just doing the regular things like heart beat and tracking steps. Haven’t used it for work out or any of the other stuff. Battery health is at 99%. Just got this last week. Is this normal use? Thought it was quoted 36 hours battery life under regular use.
That sounds like a bug of some kind 🫤 i’d restart and then maybe even unpair and factory reset, then return to Apple if nothing changes.
watchOS version ?
Just upgrade to new ultra 2 and you won’t complain anymore, new one keeps battery for 3 days by using the same features as you have mentioned, my own experience 🤓
My S6 with 81% battery health loses 20% charge over night. I’d reach out to Apple Support
Power cycle it
Are you tracking mountaineering or extreme sports?
same 😔
Let me guess, modular ultra face ??? Since this awesone watch face, battery is melting like icecream on sun.
I think all Apple Watch models battery life has suffered since the new update. My series 7 would last a day and a half now it’s a getting about 20 hours tops.
You’re just showing off your fancy shirt and fancy watch… Looks great though.
You’re just showing off your fancy shirt and fancy watch… Looks great though.