Why is Mordekaiser not in that same boat?

His ult is the only thing that makes him somewhat decent in a teamfight. Hes big and slow, has no dashes or movement speed boost and his passive is not easy to proc unless someone literally missplays infront of you.

A support no matter how far behind they are can always slow you or deny you any sort of engage. You manage to get on top of a carry, and they dont even try to outfight you in the ultimate, they just QSS out of it.

A lot of Mordekaisers powerbudget is in his ultimate, if you should be able to QSS it, then more power should be shifted to his P Q W E.

I feel like Riot really lacks consistency with a lot of stuff. They made it easier to lane vs Gangplank because you can count his barrells with the bar under his HP, they showed you how many passive stacks Riven has but Heimerdinger can sit on 3 turrets and you would not know. You could maybe click on him, but you could do that with Riven as well.

Zed, Fiora, Trundle got the QSS fix. Why not Mordekaiser?

  • SolubilityRulesB
    10 months ago

    Maybe because Flash Ulting the enemy jungler makes it impossible to secure an objective. Idk.

    Is there any jungler other than Morganna that can counter this cheese?

    Oh Nocturne.