Hello, after many years only developing cute websites in my free time, occupied in other physical business, I decided to move to switzerland or us from Italy, that is nearly economically and politically and socially dead.

I am a very experienced web developer because that is what I have been doing for almost 10 years before changing business area. Now I am back, my knowledge on Grails seems very useless for finding a society to hire me, so I am trying to decide which language to specialise in between

Thank you for any of your kind opinions and experiences, in case you are willing to share.

#clojure #rust #golang #rubyonrails #grails #webdevelopment #seo

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  • seth_golden_appleOPB
    11 months ago

    I don’t enjoy plain Java, exactly. I like fast results but In a consistent and durable way.

    Very interesting idea. Thanks.