Just because you can swap at any time doesn’t mean you should. When learning a hero, swapping is the worst thing you can do. Let’s say I want to get good at genji. Why would I swap whenever they have a Moira? If I am struggling to get value, it means I need to get good. If nercros constantly swapped whenever they had a beam hero, would he be the rank 1 genji? What about Yznsa, playing Pharah echo in a game dominated by hitscan? I’m not saying don’t swap, but swapping every single time is only hurting yourself. The fact that you are struggling on an unfavourable match up should motivate you to get better and overcome your hurdles.

Some idiots will take this out of context, as usual. Obviously don’t play junkrat into Pharah, common sense is not common as it seems.

  • PresenceOld1754OPB
    10 个月前

    Why can’t we just use raw skill? Not counter picking is how I learned Pharah, Ana, Ashe, and Kiriko. I didn’t swap till I felt confident in my ability. The point was that if you want to learn a hero, swapping shouldn’t be your first reaction. Swapping isn’t going to help. If you’re deranking and losing, that’s good. When you start ranking up despite counter watch 2 that’s how you know you’re improving. It just feels like you guys didn’t read the post. Play to improve. Not to win.