so i was just playing ranked when i came across a 4 stack of friends, and i was the mvp of the team for pretty much every round until they started teamkilling me, i wasnt sabotaging, i was actually playing quiet seperate from them because they were all playing hand in hand.

So in about the 5th round, it stood 2-3 for our opponents, they started to kill me for whatever reason, they then luckily won that round so it was a tiebreak. But for the next 2 rounds they teamkilled me until the end which then resulted in us losing 3-5.

I am too dumb to figure out what caused them to start killing me for no reason, maybe because i was playing a character one of them wanted to play?🗿

  • ZacwayBrockB
    10 months ago

    Because they’re low rank broke losers who tk in ranked. They will never get laid, and never accumulate any coin.