“We recognize that, in some ways, the decline of cable has disproportionately impacted the NBA,” Silver told Kendall Baker of Yahoo Sports AM. “Our young audience isn’t subscribing to cable, and those fans aren’t finding our games.

But there are still roughly 65 million homes in America that are consuming sports in a very traditional way, and even more people on network TV. Is that declining? Yes. Is that going away anytime soon? I don’t believe so. So we want to be on all of those platforms.”

  • ace_aliveB
    11 months ago

    I‘m in Europe and would consider paying a reduced price for league pass, but there is no app for my xbox, no app for my TV and trying to watch anything from the NBA website on my aging laptop gives me some DRM error as apparently my Laptop doesn‘t have a DRM chip(whatever that is). All other streaming services are available on xbox and my TV and work well on my laptop, btw.

    Now even if league pass would work here, it costs the same as in the USA, but I can never watch live games, because I sleep at night. And they don‘t have commentary in my language…no way I pay the full price in that case even if it would work.

    I just sail the high seas. With all owner being billionaires and all players being multi millionaires I don‘t even have the slightest bad conscience about it.

    NBA is just incompetent and anti-consumer with their league pass, imo.

    Just let Apple do it, like the MLS does, instead of trying to do it yourself. Or find another partner, like being a channel in Amazon Prime or whatever.