Prompted by the Faker skin thread. I think an interesting way to honor Faker could also be a new summoner spell.

Thinking back, Faker’s most memorable plays tend to revolve around his predicitng and/or baiting his opponents. Usually involving his ultimate.

  • Faker Zed outplay where Ryu thinks he can win.

  • Faker Azir ult back Ruler flash predict.

  • Faker many Galio ults.

So, I had two ideas for summoner spells. I’d love to hear other ideas as well.

Fake Out (Summoner Spell)

Your next ability cast will be cast as an illusion, causing no damage or crowd control to units hit. (This will trigger hit effects).

  • Many ideas on this one. Ultimate only is fun, but then for the first 6 levels it is useless. And even after that it is pretty low value, but the outplay of burning enemy flash etc is super cool. Has 0 value on some champs like Elise. Use on any ability makes it have more value early on.

Ultimately a confusing ability, but cool potential.

Fake Out v2

After 3 seconds, recover health equal to any damage taken since the initial cast.

This is probably the easiest to understand? Inspiration is meant to be you take on the fight you want. If you survive, you then heal coming out ahead.

Probably way to unbalanced. You can win an all-in then get healed full amount which is insane. Honestly this one is too strong.

Fake Out v3

Temporarily becomes invisible and cast out a doppelganger clone. You may control yourself and the clone for a short time.

  • Mini Shaco clone ala Zed outplay. Something maybe good enough to replace flash, but not as safe as flash. Unfortunately this is also similar to Neeko. May need limits like you can’t use abilities while invisible otherwise that damage would be very unfair.

Wording and idea needs crafting. Honestly the idea of an outplay summoner spell is exciting, but hard to implement.