I know this probably has some reason why this won’t happen but like why with the new map changes why not? Since top lane is becoming far safer now, and bot lane far more gankable wouldn’t it make more sense for the ad and sup to go top? Having the adc and support stay safer seems better for one, the obvious reason that ganking a duo lane will give more gold if you are able to get both kills, and two it allows more adcs who don’t have lots of mobility farm safer.
Top laners are generally better fit for a 1v2 than bot laners are for a 2v3, so wouldn’t it make sense to put top laners in the lane that is more susceptible to be in a out numbered fight? I mean champs like Darius, Kled, Sett, and even tanks like Mundo can turn fights very fast at early-mid levels (talking about like level 6-9). Meanwhile most adc champs can have a hard time doing the same, Twitch, Jhin, MF are (for the most part) dead if fully caught out of position. I know there are exceptions to this like Draven for adc or a Rumble in top, but I’m speaking in general.
I know that the turret in top lanes takes less damage before 5 minutes, but like does that really matter so much if your trading it for a far safer lane? I mean really think about it, even if that debuff costed you not getting 2 Turret Plates your only losing 250 gold meanwhile if you got ganked and killed the other team is gaining 300 gold. The other other real argument I could really see is the fact that your bot lane isn’t near the dragon, but with the new objective top lane doesn’t it kinda cancel it out? Also the grubs spawn at the same time that the protection on towers fall so if your ahead you can make up for the lost tower damage.
I’d really just like to hear counter arguments because I don’t really know why this wouldn’t fully work. Like maybe I’m just crazy? And I know that the PBE is only experimental but if these changes went through, like why not do this? The only big issue I could see with this is people not accepting doing this and sticking with what they know. Just leave your thoughts!
I could see it working so long as your jungle also prios top, otherwise you are asking to be camped by the enemy jungle and facing a bruiser or tank that counters with a level lead. Really though if the map is made as symmetrical as the changes look I don’t see why you couldn’t?
With the changes nearly nothing changed. Nashors is still not his best 1st item, still a good 2nd item. He can use Lich Bane now (maybe).
So nothing really changed for him except that he got nerfed if you don’t take Nashors 1st or 2nd which is like ~15-20% of his games.
Ludens + Sorc + Nashors is his best build by far right now, but more so because of Ludens than Nashors.
First of all I need to get out there again that Mundo is in fact NOT A TANK. Mundo is a Juggernaut that happens to scale with health, that‘s why he buys items with health rather than AD or AP.
Secondly, I don‘t think bot will be much easier to gank in general, it just allows for better pathing for junglers coming from redside. But I haven‘t played the new map yet, so I can‘t guarantee anything.
And you‘d probably want someone like a Renekton or Darius to help with Voidgrubs rather than a Janna or Nami because let‘s be honest, unless you are playing in GM+ our botlane won‘t rotate topside to help and even if ADC and Support are toplane the ADC probably would‘t move a muscle. (At least my Plat ADC don‘t help get drake sowhy would it b different on the other side of the map?)