Every time you think she’s finally ready to settle down with you, she pulls something. And she always refuses to apologize, or even admit any fault whatsoever. That Giants game was it for me. I’m out, and I told her that. First weekend coming up in which I have no plans with her. Of course, since I’m a fool, I can always be brought back in with an apology and some attention. Beating the Eagles could be that act of apology and attention. Of course, we all know that even if that happened, she will fuck me over again in the near future. How long will this toxic cycle last?

  • LostKnight99B
    11 months ago

    That Giants game pretty much nailed it for me as well. Season is lost and my interest is minimal at best. I keep and eye on whether there’s a trade or a firing but I have no expectation of this team doing anything more than disappointment the rest of the season,.

    Next year though, I’ll be hyped as always.