You know, the small things that can save you a lot of money. I’ll start:

You can get “hospital” powercables that are completely shielded for 20 bucks or so.

You can get anti vibration pucks for washing machines instead of spending 10 times that on the same product which is just labeled as “speaker pucks” instead.

  • skele-enby420B
    1 年前

    swing by the local thrift stores whenever you can, and always drive by the local ewaste if you’re comfortable taking things from the waste.

    I’ve gotten incredible gear thru both of these means. i was at the ewaste one day and an old man drove up and dropped off a marantz nr1710 “because its too much for his apartment” so i asked if he’d mind if i took and he was happy someone was gonna use it rather than it just getting scrapped. My pc speakers are Focal domes i got from the thrift store for $25 with the stands, and they’re some of the best speakers ive ever owned.