In 2019 I joined Watch Trading Academy (WTA) I was excited and ready to learn. I watched all content I could and thought it would be a great way to earn some cash. This was just before pandemic at which I was already on a vacation in S East Asia. When I returned I found my warehouse robbed and I lost my whole inventory (energy drink business) and then I lost my day job a month later into 2020. My real estate biz LOST GONE… Office NYC shut down. Today a few years later I managed to climb my way back up to the top where I was and went to log into WTA nope account cancelled gone… The money I spent joining GONE the scammers robbed me. That guy Penjami or whatever his name is is a great talker but poor on having any respect for anyone but himself. I probably should not be so shocked but I actually am. I do not even need it as I have many other ways of income but so sad. What if it was my only avenue or choice? I do believe there is a place for individuals like him. I will stop here before I say something I may regret.

Just know if you ask questions as a newbie after joining or you make a mistake like lose password or post something you had no idea was not allowed they will slap you with a mean message then ban you and take your money. Good luck.