I just saw 7 out of 10 make it to the WC.

70% make it!!

Aren’t those qualifiers a little bit of a joke?

I m in Zone Europe and don’t usually follow Comebol. But big game tonight BRA-ARG, so i looked at the standings and saw Brazil in 6th, so i thought “They are eliminated so far”, but no.

It would take a catastrophe for them not to make it.

  • freebaconcheesburgerB
    10 months ago

    I don’t understand how this is downvoted. Having a fixed amount of teams from each continent makes the WC boring and predictable. If this restriction didn’t exist, I’m pretty sure WC would consist of 28 European teams, as the average European team is much better than all the best countries from other continents, except for Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and maybe Japan.