We all know about the jersey of every Cleveland QB since they returned, and after 20 years they finally found someone in Baker. Killed it his rookie year, started winning games, MADE IT to the playoffs, WON a playoff game, and struggled the next year and he’s gone. Just like that? They finally found consistency with a QB, struggled in ‘21 and that was it. I feel he was done dirty by a franchise that needed a savior and he did exactly that. I’m just curious on how the fan base felt.

  • bowhunter6274B
    10 months ago

    I mean none of us know for sure. My guess is Baker playing injured and sometimes not having a good game that year led to the decision. Baker wanted to do it here. I love him for it. I’ll still sport my #6 jersey. I’d say it started with Haslam. He pushed for the Watson trade (Just a guess). Based on Watson’s performance in HOU. He’s been that kind of owner. He wants to win, which is great to a fault. He is just too meddling IMO. Baker caught wind of it and said “Fuck you, trade me.” I still root for Baker. Most of us support the Browns, but also think Watson is a POS.