Lmao this is fucking hilarious
Yes, yes. Yuck it up. Not as bad as Heat Culture…
We know!
capitalism is the death of creativity. happening to my cavs but tbf its happened to almost all teams
“Oh brother this guy STINKS”
this looks like the 2016 christmas jerseys
Nike figured out jersey nerds will buy every new jersey no matter what so why waste money on graphic design and ink😂🤪
The NBA is so annoying with all these alternate jerseys. I know they’re doing it for marketing purposes but still. Sometimes I turn on a game and can’t recognize the teams that are playing. This goes to show how the game is being overshadowed by optics and everything else outside of basketball.
This could have been an email
I don’t think any of us actually like “The Land”
Granted I’m biased because I spend lots of time at Playhouse Square, but I like these. And the one nice thing about these one-off jerseys is if you don’t like them, they’ll be gone soon.