i’m a senior in college and for the past 3 years i’ve used a 2020 13” inch macbook pro. it was amazing and did everything i needed for university and then some. last year i spilled some water on it and it stopped working completely it made more financial sense to get a new computer than to pay the price they wanted to fix it. so it’s bricked essentially. i got a m2 macbook air as a replacement after hearing such good things about it. it is genuinely the worst machine i’ve ever used and it makes it near imposssible to do do work. nothing loads from webpages to programs and i can’t deal with it anymore. my course load requires using adobe suite and i can’t do that on here reliably. i’m at a crossroad because i spent $1700 on the computer and apple care for 3 years. i’m planning on selling the m2 air and fixing the pro but i’m really stuck and would love some advice. or does it make sense to invest in an m3 a pro as a method of future proofing. any advice would be greatly appreciated

  • GermanK20B
    10 months ago

    I’ve only got 2 observations here a) my 13incher came back from the water-dead after 4 months in storage, with only the backlight dead and some screen discoloration b) my M2 is everything I wanted it to be, but I did invest in 24GB RAM

  • the-last_pharaohB
    10 months ago

    For everyone saying the computer has a fault, this just happened to me as well I couldn’t have safari, slack, and miro open doing a call on slack with screen share it froze up and got warm. Looks like a consistent flaw I’ve heard some say it just can’t handle multitasking even with 24gb ram. Also hearing what you’re saying that it’s a flawed device to go and get it checked. At this point honestly don’t know what the answer is. Anyone have an MBA that IS able to run heavier software and isn’t dealing with freezing?

  • frogsenjoyerB
    10 months ago

    I used to run adobe photoshop and after effects along with study notes app and forgot to close Minecraft on the background and it runes flawlessly , and thats M1 Air 8gb ram

  • MangoAtrocityB
    10 months ago

    Something must be wrong with your machine. It shouldn’t have a single issue with the tasks you described. I strongly recommend taking it to an Apple Store to see if they can help.