I got the Limited Edition just in case that might be the reason for any points I say here. And it JUST arrived today actually.
Right off the bat: I’ve said it a few times here before, I’m a chicken about doing my own modifications to my tech, so I AM SO HAPPY WITH THE 1TB INTERNAL STORAGE! that makes me happy already. But then seeing the changes they made to the carrying case. The Velcro that goes over the zipper so it can save your deck if you forgot to zip it (which yes, I have indeed done that with my old one.)
The LE’s different colors are great, just because I’ve always kinda hated the default color scheme for new tech always being greys and/or blacks. And the 90’s kid in me wanted that stupid translucent shell.
Now granted, my purchase wasn’t ALL fun and games. I had BARELY enough money to buy it, and my rent and some other bills came almost immediately after. But thankfully payday also came shortly after too. AND my boss is interested in the deck and funny enough on the day of the OLED’s release agreed to let me have a few minutes to place an order (I was of the “spent like half an hour mashing buttons through errors” gang) if I agreed that he’d be my first choice if/when I sell my old deck. So after a rather hasty time of moving stuff, making sure I can just hotswap the SD card to the OLED with no troubles, deleting things to make sure they don’t show up even though I was gonna put it through a Factory Reset anyway, and NOT using KDE connect to move the actually IMPORTANT files like FNAFSB’s ACTUAL savedata to my OLED (I"M NOT MAD…), I finally FR’d it and packed it into it’s case with the drawstring bag, screen cloth, and a charger to go to my Boss tomorrow. It felt so bittersweet. About a year or so with that thing. so many memories with it. It’s honest to god the first purchase I never regretted, and still don’t. I’m gonna miss it… But I got an upgraded, unregretted purchase! (At least i’m gonna pray to god it didn’t come WITH anything that’ll make me regret it…)

So yeah, that’s my ramble of excitement for this new Steam Deck. I was kinda stunned at how fast it shipped. But regardless I’m so excited to have some fun on it, hoping my boss will agree to at least half my old one’s price (512GB model. And I’m including the Case, screen cloth, drawstring bag, AND the charger with it, so I should be able to expect that… eh? It’s also in physically good condition. Only a couple faint knicks.). I also hope anyone else from the “I GOTTA PLACE THE ORDER RIGHT THE SECOND THEY DROP” gang gets theirs soon too! :3