That’s how long it’s been since we had a start like this, with 9 wins within the first 15 games

January 16th, 2012

Ryan Anderson dropped 30 to lead us to our 9th win of the year, over Carmelo’s Knicks. No player on either team is in the NBA this year.

Other battles that night include

Rookie standout Kyrie Irving drops 25 points to beat the Bobcats

Dirk and Dallas fall to the Andrew Bynum Lakers by a score of 73-70, despite holding LAL to 7 points in the 3rd quarter

Jrue and Igoudala bring a young Philly team to 10-3 with a win over the Bogut lead Bucks

  • cigamodnalroB
    10 months ago

    I keep thinking about that one point loss to the Hawks in Mexico City. We could so easily be 10-4. Amazing start to the season.