This is purely for my own personal curiosity, but what’s the main reason you self-host? I say main because I don’t know how to allow multiple answers, if that’s possible at all. For me it’s the last option; because it’s cool. If it’s none of these reasons, absolutely make additional options in the comments.
@ mods, if this in any way breaks any of the rules or just generally detracts from the sub at all, I’ll gladly remove it. Also I didn’t flair it because none of the flairs seem to fit.
Can I do all of the above?
When you use the service hosted by someone else there is a compromise on lot of features that you can have for free. Though the luxury of having privacy, security and learning while you dosel host cannot be discounted and above all free.
I’m going to say sort of all of the above, but not just across the whole board. Some services I host because I want a better service than is available elsewhere.
For example I host AdGuard Home and OPNsense because it’s better than my ISP supplied router and I get more out of it so that’s better service. I host Immich because I don’t want to pay Google to store all my photos when I have a server sat here that’s quite capable of doing it so that’s cost I guess.
A mix of cost (questionable), education (less questionable) and coolness (not questionable)
Cost. But I do not agree with ‘Whi would i pay for a service when i could host it myself for free?’
It is not ‘free’ it is cheaper. Today I got a quote from utilities company saying that api access to how much heat I use is 20 EUR/month a software defined radio recover is 20-40 USD + shipping. To do a full setup and research it takes about half of day some exiting HW and electricity but even summing all of that up. It is cheaper and utils company has already lied to me at least twice this year, so… their stacking motivation for me to independetly monitor the metering.
Freedom !!
All of the above. + Archival
For me it’s a combination of cost, education, and cool factor