Haven’t been able to find any answers for this so I’m hoping someone else has had this issue and potentially a solution.

I dual booted my SD, and other than Windows being Windows, it had been a (mostly) okay experience. Main reason I have it at all is for Xenia and Call of Duty.

The problem, is that when I unplug the Deck from a power source, is the whole thing locks up and I have to force a reboot.

Then, sometimes, when I try to get back into Windows it just goes “nah” and kicks me into steamOS. Once, it even told me Windows needed to be re-installed because the entire disk was corrupted.

I tried doing just that several times but I could never get back into Windows because it kept crashing before I could start the re-installation process.

This was about 2 months ago.

Last night I decided to give it another shot and, like a miracle from Lord Gaben himself, it booted Windows with ZERO issues.

Then…my partner rolled over in bed and she accidentally pulled the plug put of my console aaaaaaand it locked up again.

Thankfully it didn’t totally brick the partition again, but i’m losing my mind.

sorry for the uber long post but it’s a weird issue that I haven’t been able to find a solution to on here or YouTube.