I know I know, ideally you should never be taking the game that seriously / let it get to you enough to ruin the game experience for everyone. That being said, we’re all human here, what are some situations where you felt it was okay to leave the game? For example: I play support and left a game where I was getting spawn camped by an enemy sombra legit the second I’d walk out, couldn’t even get to point to help my team, whom I’d been pinging constantly lol. I saw another post where someone was essentially held hostage because of how the game mode / overtime counter kept getting reset. Like I said I know ideally we shouldn’t be leaving games ever, but I’m curious if anyone else has had any experiences where they felt like it was semi justified lol. I’ll gladly take an endorsement level hit and small queue timeout over a super frustrating game where I can’t even leave spawn!
When you’re held hostage by a thrower or AFK, or if it’s flashpoint. Before the leaver penalties trolls were replaced with other users so it was at least some semblance of a game on either side, now you end up being held hostage waiting since the thrower won’t leave
Whenever you wanna leave then leave. As others have mentioned backfill is quick and usually better. You do you as nothing else really matters.
But don’t be coming back here making a post crying about penalty.
lol I won’t, like I said I’ll gladly take the penalty over being hunted by a sombra or genji all game lmao.