is it just me or the report system is busted again? geniune question,i had 12k conduct both gameplay and communication score and it kept dropping like crazy for the past 1 week, i decided to keep track of my games didnt type a single offensive or mildly offensive word for 15 games; new conduct dropped 2000 more behavior from my already reduced at this point my comms behavior was dropped to 5.8k from 7k(previously 12k).

Now i cant use text chat since it doesnt allow players to use text chat if behavior is below 6k. Again, I kept track of my next 15 games didnt type anything (I couldnt type either way because text chat was revoked for me) then again after 15 games it dropped to 5.5k.

Please help me somebody tell me what to do so that my behavior doesnt drop randomly, I usually play in SEA server.

Any tips to improve behavior score what can be done?