So the question is, if noone reviews cases, what is supposed to happen? They must have thought of sth. Feels like its already in effect that reports turn into penalties without case results.

Last two Overwatch penalties I got feels like resulted without getting an actual review. If the reviewers are not 3k below my mmr, there is no way they would think any of my actions count as griefing.

Feels weird to see people destroy items, patrol chase a hero, afk mid game, ward base, rage leave lane to ruin another lane, drunk que, and still not get punished accordingly

and I get low priority for not joining a terrible teamfight or just losing the mid lane

Guilty until proven innocent. Report system is working as intended.

Would love to see some proper overwatch data, maybe valve could be so kind to actually share which match and which instant deserved a 4hour que hold, and low priority game…

  • verytoxicbehaviourB
    10 months ago

    Couple of people reported that they’ve been muted in game ( if 2-3 people press rep for communication in game) and then instantly got overwatch penalty , even though they didn’t grief and one of the guys even had rampages last 1-2 games.

    Is that the case? They’ve ramped up on “toxicity” a lot it seems ,just don’t chat unless really needed, no hi team, no voice lines, just don’t.