I’ll try to explain what i’m looking for: Let’s say i’m working on a work project, on my emacs configuration and my org notes. All of those i’ll use throughout the day but don’t do simultaneosly. I’m trying to set it up so i can save the current state for buffers and open project for work, switch to my org notes, do something there, and switch back with all buffers in place and files open where they where.

Things like desktop-save-mode seem to handle restoring the last buffers, but aren’t working for multiple sessions. So what’s my best bet to have multiple separated “setups” depending on what i’m working on at the moment?

  • paretoOptimalDevB
    10 months ago

    If you want saving/restoring, I can only recommend persp-mode. I need to try burly again though since its conceptually simpler and would be ideal.