I’ve just finished this book today, and am keen for some active discussion to help me dissect and understand what really went down.

So from the other thread, apparently Lisa the author confirmed that Roxy did kill Brooke.

Does that mean we are also to believe that Walter died from a heart attack and Erin attacked Josie? If that’s the case, then why was there a pool of blood on the side of Walter’s head and him ended up in a bath tub? And how did Erin ended up tied up and almost dead?

When I was listening to the book, I did think one of Alix’s story arch is around the consequences of being an overt people pleaser. However character feels a bit unrefined to me; on one hand she was supposed to be this kind, put together and established woman; but her nonchalant ways of handling various conversations in regards to her husband being missing/dead feels super unrealistic to me. Like assuring Roxy that this is on her too for agreeing to do a podcast on Josie… like seriously? I don’t think you can dismiss the gravity of murder so easily like that. Also how readily she was to chat and smile at Katelyn even though she literally lured her incapacitated husband to frame a cheating scenario that lead to his kidnap/murder…

Keen to hear on your thoughts on this!