I was inspired to make this by another post I saw and the comments left on that. (Also I apologize in advance for any Junkrat or Roadhog fans I really do not know how strong they would actually be if they had to fight everyone else)
Also Echo isn’t in S tier cus she could really just be hacked by Sombra or shot down by Window/Ana. Also a lot of characters have experience fighting omnics. Like most everybody has fought with omnics or are also omnics, so I feel they’d be able to beat Echo despite her copy ability.
Anyways, I would love to see what y’all think and if y’all could give me any tips it would be appreciated!!
PS. I don’t know what tag to add
gameplay wise, sombra would ONLY need to fight widow. she would get top 3 easily if she can beat her, or avoid her until widow dies to someone else. since RN gameplay wise sombra is widows worst nightmare, sombra should win unless they mess up, even if everyone starts with their ult. if she doesnt mess up she could probably win the entire game
lore wise this is probably right i dunno