It’s a question inspired by this post by u/oh_sneezeus

Is there any book that is considered a classic or regularly shows up on the “100 books to read before you die” lists and such, you had high expectations before reading and then you ended up absolutey detesting?

For me it’s Blindness by José Saramago, it started off good and then page after page it was becoming more unbearable for me to read, I hated the characters, the things they were doing and the conclusions of the book. I was really disappointed because the plot seemed really good and all I ended up with was frustration.

Is there a book that did the same to you?

  • First-Statement-3848B
    10 months ago

    No way! I absolutely LOVED Blindness. And I really enjoyed the conclusion - to me it seemed like a rebirth of hope again, after an intense exploration of the human spirit: the potential for unspeakable violence and cruelty, with persisting kindness, respect and hope amongst those willing to not succumb to their instinct for self-preservation above all. Saying that though, I’ve never been more happy to finish a book. The writing style could be really arduous, every page demanded concentration from me. And the endless melancholy and despair was hard at times too. As much as I ploughed through and felt immense relief at the end, I also really enjoyed that exhausting journey. The lack of a satisfying conclusion just solidified the uncertain nature of human beings and their choices, and what the future could hold.