I get it that awhile ago zofia pick rate was really high, and then even after the AR Recoil nerf, the LMG meta became a thing ( fun fact I abused lmgs and hit diamond for the first time back then) but now all of that is in the past and I feel like she’s been in rough spot for awhile now.

Personally I think they should make her a 2 speed.

  • scarletpimpernel22B
    11 months ago

    i mean, it is kind of weird that she does the same job as ash with slightly more do to the concussions but has worse pick rate due to weaponry and speed, but thats the TDM meta talking lowkey. slightly better utility on one side as opposed to better gunfighting on the other should lead to the two being fairly balanced against one another and the pick between the two being situational, but the TDM meta points to ash.

    Ubi is supposedly going to take steps to curb the tdm meta, so perhaps the chips fall and the two do become balanced, otherwise Id say yea a slight nerf to her weaponry or speed is required