
Recently have gotten into maxi scooters and since we’ve switched to an EV for our primary vehicle I was curious if any highway capable scoots had hit the North American market yet.

I know there’s quite a sizeable selection of more aggressive racer style or even upright naked and cross style bikes but one things I’ve really come to appreciate about the scooter form factor is the protection from road grime, especially for when it rains, so that’s why I’m interested in particular in this subset of electric bikes.

  • ExurbainOPB
    10 months ago

    Yeah figured prices would be steep just because of the battery and maxis not being a big enough product segment up here to justify mass scale import so fees per unit must be pretty high for the resellers.

    Any recommendations for makes and models? Was looking at the Honda PCX Electric early on given Honda does seem to do oddball imports but I’m not even clear if that was even launched outside Asia.