Th6e first th6ing5 I noticed was th6e backspace button. It is \ bu\t it also deletes. Th6e second was \ h6 and g5. It applies v\ice versa as well. I’-m g5oing5 to list a few oth6ers.
Lower brig5h6tness takes me to th6e project s\creen, h6eig5h6ten brig5h6tness is my lower volume button. My mute but\ton doesn’-t work. Tilde/Accent Mark key don’-t work.
I’-ve tried disabling5 and re’-inabling5 my keyboard + restarting5 my keyboard.
I am on Windows 11, and I am not using5 a plug5’-in keyboard.
Th6at wasn’-t it, but th6ank you for th6e sug5g5estion.