Whenever I’m playing DPS or support and switch to someone that counters the enemy team usually no one says anything, but whenever I counterpick the enemy team as tank it seems like they get really mad?
Like I was playing a game earlier where the enemy had ana and orisa and I started out as rein, just barely won the first 2 team fights then switched to zarya when I died since I was almost useless at this point. After the round ended the orisa started going off in match chat saying they “just wanted to have fun” and “I was doing decently on rein so counterpicking was just rubbing salt in the wound” and stuff, even though I literally wasn’t doing very well 😭
When I pointed out they were playing someone who counters me they said that it’s different since they started the game as orisa.
Stuff like this happens all the time, is counterpicking as tank frowned upon or something?
When you swap to zarya when I’m dva, yes. When you go hog when I’m Winston just to spite me, yes. When you just default to zarya or orisa when you start losing, yes
I don’t think they get to complain at all about counter picks when they’re on Orisa 💀
Oh no, counter pick in a game based in counter pick, you are not wrong, that orisa just need realize How this game works and grow up
At this point I blame Blizzard for not nerfing those two yet. Every game is just Zarya and Orisa and the occasional Doom. Every other tank is just considered throwing. If he wasn’t playing Orisa, I could see him being mad at you for counterpicking but he was just being a hypocrite lol.
Horse player stfu, opinions not allowed
If you’re counterpicking because you can’t do anything you’re fine. If you are one of those jerks that swap after 1 death i have no respect for you. I just want to play who i enjoy. 1 tank has made it impossible to play who you want because if you’re doing well? Boom. 5 stack of counters
Because the enemies hate that you can fight back instead of being a free kill punching bag.
Tanks also get mad when they are counter picked. Like ok Doom, I’m not doing a Doom mirror. If you are unwilling to swap off Doom to counter an Orisa that’s your own fault. It’s wild they get mad when you play the game right and they can’t do their one trick.