If you don’t know, Dota has an item called Aghanim’s Scepter. This is a pretty expensive item that provides stats in everything AND it upgrades one of your abilities. Traditionally, this has been your ultimate, but lately, they upgrade normal abilities and/or add new abilities and passives.

An example would be Bane, who has an ultimate ability that is a 6 second single target CC while he channels. The Agh’s Scepter upgrade spawns 2 illusions that also cast his ultimate, so all three would need to be interrupted or killed to stop the CC.

Another example is as simple as Ember Spirit, who’s ultimate is putting a Flame Remnant “copy” on the ground that he can warp to. His scepter “increases cast range, initial remnant speed, and maximum charges.”

So, if your League main had a Scepter Upgrade, what would it be?

My current main is Taliyah, and I’d imagine it would be something like “Reduce the CD of Weaver’s Wall, increase it’s duration, and make it’s range global. Additionally, a thin line of Unraveled Earth erupts along the sides of the wall, lasting for the duration of the wall.”

  • GoruduOPB
    10 months ago

    you didn’t make it clear enough that Aghanim made ultimates insane

    It doesn’t really do that anymore. I had that in my post, but looking over the scepter upgrades, I realized most scepters add new moves or change regular abilities now. Meepo, for example, doesn’t gain a new clone anymore, which was one of the more iconic Scepter upgrades. Instead, he gets an ability that lets all his clones stack on each other.

    The ones that do modify the ult often add new features to the ability, like my Taliyah example.