Hello everyone,

I currently run a fully concierge dog daycare. It’s definitely a higher end doggie daycare and we have no brick and mortar location.

My fiancé started the company. She and her business partner were doing okay, I could see the potential to grow but they didn’t feel it was necessary. Cut to May of this year and my industry -film and television- went on strike. I decided to help them with my spare time and expand the business. Each show/film is like running its own mini-business so, I felt I could help.

Cut to now and the business is up 65% (we were previously on track to be flat for the year), client intake is up dramatically, cash flow is positive, a lot of tasks that were being done by manual input are being automated now. However… I’m unhappy. I feel underemployed and unchallenged now that the bulk of the non-walking responsibilities are either automated or delegated (such as web services). I still do the new client intake, most of the client interfacing, updating vaccine records, etc. I would be missed because I handle the bulk of these tasks but …

On the other hand, These are all things my fiancé and business partner could take on themselves. I could also replace my walking hours with two or three part time walkers. The math works out that they could potentially make more money and I could find another job specifically one that comes with a family plan for health insurance, and other benefits.

Has anyone else experienced this? Were you successful in finding a new career? I feel stuck right now.

My previous career in film and television as a set builder is out. That job is about nothing more than getting every man hour out of you they can for an average living. I don’t mind working hard but I’d like to be paid in line with how hard I work. I’d also like to use my head instead of killing my body.