For context I was gold 1-2 last split. First time i ever played ranked beyond placements. I couldn’t quite get to platinum(lost promos 4 times). I wanted to improve and get to plat this split, but because of emerald it got handed to me, felt completely meaningless. I then got to emerald 4 it dosent feel like an accomplishment because i cannot tell if i improved. I have two other accounts i play different roles on and they are now both gold, which was my goal for them. However getting it feels meaningless because i didnt actually improve to gold skill level with those roles. gold is now just the new silver. anyone else feel lost in the new ranked system unable to tell if they actually improved at all?

  • Legitimate-Site588B
    10 months ago

    Yeah It’ literally designed to make former silver players feel better about themselves. I’m in plat and it’s like “cool I’m pretty much gold again”.