IF Metalls strejk kommer att stoppa nya Teslabilar från att tas i trafik. Orsaken är sympatiåtgärden som blockerar Postnords hantering av post till Tesla.Enligt Transportstyrelsen får inte registreringsskyltarna delas ut på annat sätt. Tesla rasar mot myndighetens och statliga Postnords ”oproportionerliga agerande”.
Tesla does have unionized employees that are members of IF Metall and are on strike. So of course IF Metall is going to argue for their rights, no matter if there are also employees at Tesla who are not members of the union.
Tesla does have unionized employees that are members of IF Metall and are on strike. So of course IF Metall is going to argue for their rights, no matter if there are also employees at Tesla who are not members of the union.
As any decent union would.