I joined a ranked lobby on my EUW account and was met with auto-lock Swain top and disco Nunu support who spammed ‘HAHA YOU’RE GETTING TROLLED PREPARE TO LOSE -20 LP AL FEEDA’ with a link to a Discord chat. I joined the Discord and noticed there were multiple people sharing their screen who were intentionally ruining games on multiple accounts, some showing match history with a permanent loss streak. In the same Discord group is a link to a YouTube channel that shows dozens of videos of the group trolling games on purpose and making other player’s experience miserable.

I dodged the lobby so i was unable to report the two players in question and when i tried to complete a [Report Player] form on Riot’s official website it requested i name a player in my last 20 games which i couldn’t… What do i do now? How do i report these players to Riot so the correct actions can be taken accordingly?