This interlull has been incredibly tedious, awful, and boring.

So, inspired by a legendary dream one of us once had about Santi in nothing but a Villareal jersey, let’s liven up the atmosphere a bit with some collaborative storytelling until the next match.

Rules are as follows:

  1. Keep it light-hearted and PG13

  2. The primary cast of characters should all be Arsenal players, past and present, and members of club management, also past and present. Notable journalists and sports personalities related to the club are also allowed.

  3. It doesn’t necessarily have to grounded in reality and can be as fantastical and as whimsical as you wish.

  4. Responses must be between 3 - 6 sentences. Please refrain from repeatedly responding to let others have a go.

You don’t necessarily have to respond to the highest upvoted response, but can choose whichever you wish. That way, it’ll be like a choose your own adventure type deal going along which even responses you like the most. Just please leave something for people to build upon.

It’s all in good fun, so please keep that in mind.

  • SunDrippedDevilOPB
    10 months ago

    Charles Watts felt a sudden tightness in his ghillie suit, and lowered his binoculars to adjust himself. He did so slowly and carefully, being sure not to rustle too many leaves and alter anyone to his presence. The bushes outside of the Training center at London Colney grew rather thick this year, making stakeouts significantly easier.

    “Sure beats wearing a wig and a false mustache,” he thought to himself as he checked his Calm face paint.

    Watts lifted up his binoculars once more and refocused his gaze towards the Training Center, only to be met with the most puzzling sight. He could not believe what was transpiring in front of his eyes…