So Jeremy seemed a bit off body language wise, and he also posted about “the struggle is part of the sorry” on IG.

Any ideas if he’s going through something? Maybe it has to do with him being benched during crunch time when Tre was handling? Or something to do with Vic? I have no idea but wanted to get people’s thoughts

  • 22diasB
    1 year ago

    Tre is much better down the stretch, that’s what PGs do. So Jeremy can either suck it up, watch film and get better. Or sob away.

    You think Tre did the same when he was relegated to the bench!?

    If HOF TP can get benched by Speedy, and Pop can chew out TD. What about Manu becoming a 6 man? Jeremy can take a ticket too.

    It’s all about learning, embracing and responding. I’m sure Jeremy will figure it out.