Sorry, this is a long one. I have a 2005 Toyota Camry LE. The battery died recently so I had it replaced and the mechanic said to watch out for when the alternator goes because it tested lower than it should have. The next day the ABS light comes on. As I’m driving home from work I notice a smokey scent. So I call up a mechanic that is closer because I’m scared of driving my car. I ask about if they can do alternator/repair replacement they say yes, they say they would have the part by Wednesday. I dropped the car off on Monday. As I enter I said I’m the one who called about the alternator in the Camry and gave the history I just gave you. Maybe I was talking too fast when he was writing down notes but anyway. Wednesday rolls around and he calls me up and gives me an estimate off ball bearings. I being socially anxious, my mind went blank. I agreed with the estimate. Completely forgetting about the alternator, assuming that when I mentioned it before it would be one of the things on the list. I picked think that maybe he checked under the hood tested it and thought that the ball bearings were a more important fix, cause the car is getting up there. Drove it home thinking it’s alright, happy to just be in a safe car. I get out of my car and notice the scent again, maybe it was just the scent of the shop, idk. I pack the car to drive to my parents place and the dashboard lights are slow to light up, the engine start doesn’t sound like it should it, sounds soft and hiccup-y. All this to say, should I give the mechanic the benefit of the doubt because of my mistake? What should be my next step?