My experience with this is I’ve had 3 different Dac Amps DAC x6 was the first one I had which I did not have any reference to before switching over to a Schiit Magni 3+ and Schiit Modi 3e (Both give plenty of volume). On the Hifiman Edition XS using the DAC x6 the sound was very claustrophobic and warm compared to using the Schiit stack which was much wider and neutral sounding, for me this was a huge upgrade. To add to this I also tried this on a portable DAC Amp which is the DC03 Pro which soundstage sounds closer on the side but a bit sounds warmer. What’s your experience?

  • OphanilB
    10 个月前

    I have four main DAC/amps and they all sound very different. BTR5 is v-shaped and energetic, RU6 is warm and romantic, RU7 is detailed and seamless, and the DX240 is all of those things.

    I don’t think my ears are special or it’s serendipity, I think the companies engineered these devices to sound a certain way and succeeded.

  • AntiwhippyB
    10 个月前

    Honestly if you want a hobby where you can play around with sources for a difference in sound get into vinyl ;)