I’ll try to explain the issue as clearly as possible, but please let me know if I can clarify anything. I have an iPhone 13 Pro running iOS 17.1.1.

Since updating to iOS 17 there is an intermittent issue with photos that I have just taken looking very low res in my library and not being able to be shared, almost as if the photo was on the cloud and I’m only seeing the low-res preview of it. For example, I might take a picture and within a minute try to text it so someone, and I’ll see the following:



Sometimes the photos will become available within a couple minutes, other times it can take hours. I do have iCloud Photos turned on with “Optimize iPhone Storage” turned on. My understanding is that the optimize setting stores older photos on the cloud, but newer ones should still be on my device. Is that correct? Even so, brand new photos that shouldn’t have had time to sync to the cloud yet are giving me this issue… Any idea what is going on and how to fix it?