• @TouchGrassRedditorB
    18 months ago

    This phenomenon is vastly exaggerated for QBs. Anybody who acts like it’s a completely impossible task to tell how a QB would turn out in a better/worse situation have no idea what they are talking about or what to look for.

    Take Mitch for example - he always stared down his first read, couldn’t go through his progressions, and panic-threw into his checkdown option if his first read wasn’t there. All traits of bad QBs that made it obvious he didn’t have what it takes, and he never improved. It didn’t matter how clean the pocket was, how good the playcall was, the same traits remained.

    It was obvious that he would suck wherever he went also, and sure enough he did. If you didn’t predict that, then you didn’t know what you were talking about.

    The same can be said of Fields - he’s not some perpetual victim of bad circumstance, he’s just not very good, and it obvious. I’ll bet anyone any amount of money that he will suck for the team we trade him to this offseason too.

  • @Sniper1154B
    18 months ago

    I think it’s slightly overrated but still important.

    Philadelphia had its famous “Quarterback Incubator” when there was Carson Wentz / Nick Foles w/ Doug Pederson, Frank Reich, and DeFillippo; however, Wentz fizzled out and Foles seems to be more of a guy that catches lightning in a bottle than any real sustained success.

    CJ Stroud is in arguably a worse situation from Fields and he is absolutely thriving. The Texans run a similar scheme to the Bears, are anchored by rookie receivers, and up until recently were operating with the definition of a patchwork line.

    I think stability is more important than the overall environment (though I guess they can seem synonymous), but when I think of guys who have developed they’ve often been paired with coaches and general managers such that everyone’s timeline is in sync.

    The Bears haven’t done this in forever. Emery and Trestman inherited Cutler, Nagy inherited Mitch, Eberflus inherited Fields. Everyone’s timeline is askew so there are never similar expectations across the board.

    • @Subpars0upB
      18 months ago

      The worst part is they kept Fox a year longer than he obviously should have been and saddled the next coach with a rookie QB they didn’t want - so what do the Bears do? Keep their next head coach a year longer than they obviously should have so they can saddle their next coach with a rookie QB they didn’t want. Its always self inflicted with the Bears.

    • @GryffindorqB
      18 months ago

      as far as inheriting QBs… i see coaches every year winning multiple games with backup QBs. i dont give them a pass for not having “their guy.” like, are you a football coach or not? if ur an NFL coach u should be able to be competitive and even win in non-ideal situations, whether the guy who happens to be available in the draft that year is your perfect candidate or not

  • @Zealousideal_Bass199B
    18 months ago

    Fanbases get irrationally attached to qbs their teams drafted and have a hard time accepting that they are not good. Hence, to absolve their qb of the blame, they can blame something unquantifiable like ‘situation’ or ‘coaching’.

        • @buttholez69B
          18 months ago

          He’s quite literally never hired a HC in his career, so I have zero idea where you got that notion from.

  • @TotallyNotTupacB
    18 months ago

    I actually think if the bears go with a rookie QB, he will have the best situation a rookie has ever inherited in terms of offensive personnel.

    O line is good and with a few more pieces great

    Number one WR and a statistically top 5 tight end.

    (This assumes we get new coaching along with the QB.)

    • @Subpars0upB
      18 months ago

      Trey Lance got drafted 3rd overall to a team with Kittle, Aiyuk, Deebo, and a good O-line

    • @onemanwolfpack21B
      18 months ago

      I agree. The cupboard isn’t bare like it was for Grossman, Cutler, Trubisky, and Fields in their first year. This is just another reason to get the whole franchise aligned. President > GM > HC > QB. Then get a Center. If they can, try to improve at LT, RG, and WR

  • @LengthinessPutrid452B
    18 months ago

    QB development at the NFL level is about taking somebody with an elite trait or set of traits and finding a playcaller who will cater to their strengths and cover up their weaknesses significantly to make them more consistent against good defenses.

    i said it when we hired our staff and i will say it again, we took shots in the dark with the most talented QB we have ever had as a franchise and it went exactly like everybody said it would.
    The Bears need a veteran offensive head coach who can call plays and has had success in the playoffs and a veteran defensive playcaller who runs a 4-3. If Poles doesn’t want to do that, you also need a new GM.

  • @EasyKOB
    18 months ago

    There’s is no development, not one young QB worked out with any coaches Bears had. Just as of recent, We knew then, Nagy was not idea for Fields, Fields was drafted so that PACE could try to save his job but Nagy threw Fields under the bus.

    Grossman/Orton … these guys when through Ron Turner’s predictable run run pass punt, Game management, 1 dimensional offense. No development from Ron Turner at all. Ron Turner wasn’t really much of a coach, just a mediocre play caller. Ron Turner didn’t even know about or teach QB Mechanics.

    Trubisky … this is fucking Brutal. Rookie season/YEAR1, Sleepy John Fox and that bum Dowell Loggains. Bears never have the correct staff in place once again!!! They even knew they was firing that whole staff before the season started. So we have shocked development @ QB and home crowd was tough on Mitchell at end of his rookie season. Mitchell’s next 3 seasons… Nagy and his circus playbook incoming, Along with 4 different play callers taking over once Nagy ran out of trick plays. Nagy just wanted to show off. Lives off of Andy Reid.

    My problem is the fact that both GESTY and Eberflus is still here. Getsy lives off of Arron Rodgers’ name and also cost Rodgers some huge wins. I don’t see any development progress from Fields via Gesty.

    Eberflus and Co. should be on the way out the DOOR along with Gesty, Pronto.

  • @greatwhitenorth2022B
    18 months ago

    Did the environment in Houston help develop CJ Stroud? …or the environment at Ohio State?

  • @Dependent-Edge-5713B
    18 months ago

    Nail on the head.

    Remember Favre was a second rounder and Rodgers a very late first rounder. 2 good examples.

    • @Standard_Employee751B
      18 months ago

      This sub doesn’t want to here it but the last regime just had a much better process.

      Won 6 games with Dalton and Fields and we barely have 6 wins in 2 years

  • @jphocB
    18 months ago

    Many won’t admit it, but Fields is developing and improving and deserves to play out his contract.

  • @AdministrativePeak0B
    18 months ago

    Overrated to an extent. The great QBs will be great regardless. It’s also why I think hiring a coach just because he coached a rookie or young QB to a good performance is overrated.