What was the best story you can tell as a bills fan? Don’t matter how long you are as a fan just tell a fun moment or something that made you appreciate you being a bills fan. For me it was when the bills made the playoffs, that made be tear up man.

  • NoOneSpecial2023B
    11 months ago

    No one’s gonna wanna hear it, and for the love of all things holy I swear I’m NOT trolling:

    I went to 2 Bills vs Pats games when Brady played for them when he was winning rings and—while I fucking hate the Pats—it was cool as fuck to see the GOAT play. Hard to stomach or not, there’s no denying he’s the GOAT and in 50 years if I’m still alive I’ll get to say I was there to see him play…even tho I didn’t go for him. He’s also a hell of a lot bigger than ppl ever talked about. I remember the one year my dad and I sat at the goal line in the front row and saw him (come up short but still got called a TD) rush for a TD. Dude is big. We all talk about Josh Allen bc he’s so physical but ppl don’t realize Tom’s just as big, just not nearly as mobile.

    I know that’s not really a “bills story” so I’ll end with this: my dad and I went to the home opener last year when Jim lead the “let’s go Buffalo chant” and Marv came up and did his famous “where else would you rather be than right here right now”. The absolute deafening “right here right now” from the crowd gave me chills and still does.