I play a lot of Reaper and it is now rare for me to get PotG, even if I have a very strong ult. I just played a round of Nepal where my highlight is a 3K ult followed by a 1K cleanup. The play chosen for the highlight was two single kills. Nothing impressive, no ult cancellations, nothing. Just two regular kills.

I get it that people get tired of seeing the same “press q to win” highlights, so ults like Death Blossom (and I am guessing, here) Rip Tire, Visor, Noon, etc. have probably been tuned back in the PotG algorithm. But it feels very deflating to consistently have games where you know you have the most impactful play, but a dinky 1 or 2K highlight gets chosen instead. What’s the point of having a highlight if it’s not actually the best play of the game?

  • flairsupplyB
    10 months ago

    Generally, non ult multikills tend tl be weighted higher specifically because ‘I pressed Q’ is a lot less impressive