Not going to lie everyone in the rockets sub was ready to trade his ass for lavine or poole before the 2nd half. In the 3rd quarter jalen went nuclear and sealed the game for the rockets. He’s been in a slump this year so hopefully this is the end of that.

  • Sc0rch1ngDr4g0nB
    10 months ago

    Jalen turned it around after that ugly 1st half for everyone. Nice to see him bounce back after being benched for the whole 4th quarter last game.

    However, his question has always been consistency. He was really good in that 1st Lakers game, but had many bad games between then and now. He doesn’t need to be this good every night, but hopefully he’s starting to learn how to play better within the system rather than this being another flash.

    Good comeback after that road loss streak. Jabari has had another good but quiet night and is building off previous solid performances. Sengun should be fine despite this meh night. Let’s bring the momentum next game.