Who is your honest opinion, is just as bad as Bojack?

  • weirdoldhobo1978B
    10 months ago

    Anna Spanakopita is one of the worst people in the show. While most of the other characters act out of carelessness she is deliberate and malicious in the way she acts.

  • Jason3671B
    10 months ago

    everyone did morally wrong things, nobody’s perfect or are “truly good”, if you don’t get this then you didn’t get the show’s message

    like what PC did to the assistants when they went on strike, though she did backtrack later, it’s still pretty slimy. She also does many other unethical things in her job throughout the show

    Todd lied to Hollyhock about the DNA test, built that (literal) garbage disneyland, the whole cabracadabra shenanigans and other shenanigans

    Diane hid from Mr Peanutbutter and went on a bender at Bojack’s place

    Mr Peanutbutter is Leo Dicaprio (omg, what is this? a crossover episode??) as far as dating younger women, lied about stealing the D (that literal son of a bitch)

    Vincent Adultman was always busy with adult business, didn’t spend time and not being honest with PC


    and that guy, Greg that Mr PB met once at the gas station, idk what he did but he sucks too!

    every major characters has done morally wrong/shitty things, it’s not about who did and who never did, it’s more about what they did and the scale of it in comparison to others (as far as discussions goes). Other characters that were never seen doing shitty things, didn’t have enough screentime/insight to be qualified for comparison, like Kelsey, Becca, Fuzzyface, Stefani, the Elephant in the room (woooow) etc. you get my point

    sure many things characters did were cluelessly stupid or out of goodwill, but it doesn’t excuse the bad behaviors, what’s done is done

  • novavegasxiiiB
    10 months ago

    In no order:

    Diane: Inappropriately leaking nformation and cheating

    Todd: Willful ignorance resulting in severe bodily injury.

    Mr. Peanutbutter: Turning a blind eye to sexual harrasment, cheating, emotional manipulation.

    Princess Caroline: Manipulation, being Bojacks fixer, tons of shady stuff we dont know about.

  • SaltpeterTaffyB
    10 months ago

    The shows goes to great lengths to make Bojack the least defensible major character. I could cite Hank Hippopopalous or Vance Waggoner, but that feels cheap.

    That said, he’s a short (incomplete) list of the inexcusable things other characters have done, with emphasis on instances where Bojack is the victim!


    • Assaulted Bojack in Elefante


    • Wrote a traumatic event into Philbert to make Bojack relive the trauma

    Ana Spanakopita and Flip McVicker:

    • SA’d Bojack

    Beatrice Horseman:

    • (among other things) attempted to kill Bojack

    Eddie the Horsefly:

    • attempted to kill Bojack

    Angela Diaz:

    • Encouraged Bojack to drink at the lowest point in his life