We’re not even a quarter of the way into the season and we’ve already had 7 or 8 memorable games.

They beat the T’Wolves who are at the top of Western Conference

Had a wild game in Chicago that should’ve been a win if not for poor officiating

Stole a game from the Bucks in what was their most methodical game of the season

Mounted epic comebacks against the Spurs and Wizards

Went toe-to-toe with Luka and Kyrie and bad officiating and came out on top

Kept up with a stacked Celtics team in a close loss

Just beat a high-octane Pacers offence in an amazing back and forth match

I don’t know if they’re going to be play-off or play-in bound but a lot of these tight back and forth games are really good practice for the post-season and Scottie’s + younger players’ development

For a team that’s heading into a retool or rebuild, they’ve shown a lot of heart and the on court product is so far better than the hopeless ‘snatching defeat from the jaws of victory’ team we had last year that couldn’t come back after falling behind by 5 let alone 15 or 20.

Plus the breath of fresh vibes from Darko and his support of the players has been great to see as well.

Overall it’s been a pretty memorable season so far with Scottie on the cusp of breaking out and taking over games on a consistent basis.