(I put soft flair since I thinkit’s probably softwere issue) I have a weird problem that I couldn’t find answers to. I have 25’’ 1080p monitor and 58" 4K TV connected to my PC. When both are on - Everything is ok. When Monitor is off and TV is On - Everything is okay. BUT - When tv is off and Monitor is on - things go crazy. Sometimes monitor resets (Everything goes black, then after 1-2 sec it’s back to normal), sometimes screen freezes for 1 sec and looks like I pressed win+tab. And sometimes screen freezes for 1-2 sec but instead of win-Tab effect, it’s similar but it shows only 1 open window at random (It can be the one currently open, but most often is not an active window, so it’s completely random) at like 70% size, rest is blurry backround, like with win+tab so it looks like it resizing itself. It’s completely irregular and not constant, sometimes it happens every 30 sec and sometimes I have like 4-5 min of peace. It doesn’t matter what I have open but I find that the more something is moving on screen (like intensive scrolling) it happens more often (resizing effect is most common), but even in static screen it happens - but on static screen - resetting is more often than weird win+tab effect.

Currenty my solution if I want to keep TV off is to unplug HDMI. I’m on Windows 11 but this stuff was also present on W10 clean install. HDMI Cable is ok, I checked 4 different one so it must be a soft issue.