I’m in a bit of a dilema.

I am about to graduate college and have two jobs offers. One is to continue my internship, which is remote except for a few meetings in person per year. They will likely offer me like 70-80k USD.

Or I can take another position which is 2 days in office a week but for 120k USD.

I’ve never made more than like 40k a year before so these salaries are amazing but I’m wondering what to do?

The lower salary one I’m not sure if it’s the best for my career growth. It’s software development but I’m basically the only developer and so there’s not much mentorship.

The in person opportunity I feel like is with a stronger company who could provide me with more growth, but it’s as a data scientist, which is something I never planned to get into.

Plus I have a girlfriend who lives in Colombia and I miss her… but she is a nurse with children so I don’t even know how feasible that is even if I was remote and traveling… I couldn’t ask her to wait for me any longer… and I’m not ready for marriage 😔

Idk guys… I really want to continue this nomad life but there are so many things trying to get me to stay put in one place!

Would there be any salary that would be worth it for you guys to stick around in a particular city?

The cost of living is so low in South America where I would primarily be located that I’m not even sure a 120k in person vs 70k remote salary difference would be much different materially.

How have you guys dealt with these life things that try and get you to settle down in one place?

  • Guilty-Actuary89B
    10 months ago

    Don’t worry about the “in house junior” thing, you can learn what you need remote too, I did it